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Where do I start with this...

Well I guess in some respects 'this' is the point that started my going off on a tangent & discovering this whole 'new to me' world of technology...

I'd be the 1st to admit that this is like learning a foreign language. Like I've said in other post, besides the basics I've not learnt much about computers or the 'World Wide Web' ~ however what I've always known is; to learn what I don't know..!

Until now, I didn't have a need to 'know' ~ but recently I was faced with a problem that needed my 'creative' head on to find a solution.

The problem was one of physical limits ~ I'd been signed off work since September '06 & initially the extension to my summer holiday was no big deal. After all, the sun was still shining, I had a mountain of books to read, the littlies didn't start their 'hot dinners' for two weeks after the school year started & the 1st 'fun'draising event was a few weeks off planning too.

I don't want to go off on a tangent about my health so I'll just share a link to that *(link to follow) The point being that my physical health curtailed my physical ability & made it impossible to do both my voluntary & paid job...

After a few more weeks of being signed off, it was apparent that I wouldn't be returning to work anytime soon..! Even so I was committed to the AGM and The Firework Night so had to get on with it as best I could. Fortunately other parents stepped in this year & the committee members were as dedicated & determined as I was to make the PFTA events a success.

Organising the Firework Night was exhausting & I got told off by my GP Apparently the fact that it was 'good for my soul' was no excuse as I needed to learn to listen to what was 'good for my body' ~ That in itself is another blog..

Ok so my doctor had a point..! However I know if I had been totally excluded from the Christmas Activities I would have spiralled down into my pit of despair, so I set up an 'Action Group' and co-managed the organisation of these events from the comfort of my sofa...

Come in Google.doc ~ although initially, in all honesty, I was not impressed that another member of the group had uploaded an unsolicited document to 'my group'; it became clear that a genuine misunderstanding had occurred due to a communication error in the committee...

So when I got over my 'maternal' outrage & saw the benefit of using this service I was hooked & off to learn more about what I've now re-named 'Doogle' as lets be honest who can get their tongue around 'Google.doc'..?

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